Sep 29, 2024  
2024-25 RCC Catalog 
2024-25 RCC Catalog


2024-25 Catalog Errata

Program, Course, or Topic Heading


Date of Correction

College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Chart English Literature Score is n/a and Credits is 0 8-28-2024
Education Studies transfer to SOU

Approved Science and Lab Science Electives revision:

Formerly listed as:

Complete at least two courses, 8-9 credits, from the following list. At least one course must be a physical science and one a biological science.

Note that only one course can be a regional field studies course, indicated by asterisk.

Complete a third course - either lab or non-lab Science 3-4 credit course.

At least one course must meet SOU General Education requirements for the Inquiry and Analysis General Education Capacity. 

Changed to:

Complete at least three courses, 11-13 credits, from the following list. At least two courses must have labs, and at least one course must be a physical science and one a biological science.

Note that only one course can be a regional field studies course indicated by asterisk.

At least one course must meet SOU General Education requirements for the Inquiry and Analysis General Education Capacity

Engineering transfer to Oregon Tech - Mechanical WR 121Z  (listed in prerequisites) is required for graduation. 8-26-2024
Manural Machinist MTH 60  is an alternative math prerequisite. 9-26-2024
Medical Assisting Administrator AH 170MA  is not a program elective (because it is a core requirement in the program). 9-23-2024
Nursing AAS Entry Requirements: C- grades are accepted (for pre-requisite courses only). 7-10-2024
Nursing AAS 28 Prerequisite / Required Preparatory credits are needed to be eligible to apply to the program. 7-10-2024
Nursing AAS Program admission occurs twice once a year. The deadline for submitting program application material is February 15 for fall term admission and October 15 for spring term application. 9-23-2024