Sep 17, 2024  
2024-25 RCC Catalog 
2024-25 RCC Catalog

Student Resources and Services

Academic Advising

Contact an Advisor

Academic advising is provided by trained faculty and staff who can answer questions about college and educational objectives, help with program planning and class selection to meet academic goals, and answer questions about transferring to other colleges. Advising is required for all new students prior to registering for classes.

Advising for GED® & Pre-College Education students is available with faculty advisors in-person via Zoom. To make an appointment, call 541-956-7490 and specify that you are calling for Advising, or email for GED related advising or for ESL/ELA related advising. If sending an email, please be sure to put “Advising help” in the subject line.

Career and technical education students and those who are program-ready (have a declared major, have completed, or have a designated placement above RD90, WR115, and MTH60) should see their program advisors. Call the number listed for individual departments, which is included with specific program information on the Programs of Study link in this catalog.

Students enrolling in the following programs should speak with an Academic and Career Coach before the start of the first term to be connected with a faculty advisor right away:

  • Apprenticeship, 541-956-7184
  • Automotive Technology, 541-956-7140
  • Computer Science, 541-956-7066 (Grants Pass) and 541-956-7127 (Medford)
  • Dental, 541-956-9446
  • Design and Digital Media, 541-956-7140 (Grants Pass) and 541-956-7127 (Medford)
  • Diesel Technology, 541-956-7305
  • Electronics Technology, 541-956-7305
  • Emergency Medical Services, 541-956-7305
  • Fire Science, 541-956-7415
  • Industrial Welding Technology, 541-956-7335.
  • Medical Assistant: Administrative Office Assistant, 541-956-9446
  • Pharmacy Technology, 541-956-9446
  • Phlebotomy, 541-956-9446
  • Science, 541-956-7140 (Grants Pass) and 541-956-7127 (Medford)

Students who are undecided about their majors or who are not yet program-ready receive advising from an Academic and Career Coach until they have selected an academic pathway.

Access and Disability Resources

  • Redwood Campus, Wiseman Building Tutoring Center (summer only)
  • Riverside Campus, Student Success Center Building, Room 9
  • Table Rock Campus, A Building, Room 191

Access and Disability Resources provides academic support services to help ensure all qualified students have equal access to education. Documentation to verify a disability is required in order to receive accommodations.

Access and Disability Resources coordinates note-takers, sign language interpreters, disability advising, conversion of class materials to alternate text format, and adaptive technology for RCC students with disabilities; see also Accessible Technology Lab.

Students who suspect they have a disability are encouraged to make an appointment for possible services.

Accesibilidad y Recursos para Discapacitados

  • Redwood Campus, centro de tutoría del edificio Wiseman (solo en verano)
  • Riverside Center, Student Success Center, habitación 9
  • Table Rock Campus, Edificio A, habitación 191

El departamento de Accesibilidad y Recursos para Discapacitados proporciona servicios de apoyo académico para asegurar que todos los estudiantes que califiquen para este servicio tengan igual acceso a la educación. Se requiere documentación para verificar la discapacidad y poder hacer los arreglos apropiados al tipo de discapacidad del estudiante.

Los servicios de Accesibilidad y Recursos para Discapacitados coordinan con personas quienes toman apuntes y quienes interpretan con lenguaje de señas. También, brindan los servicios de consejeros para estudiantes con discapacidades de aprendizaje y/o con discapacidades físicas. Ofrecen conversión de material de clases al formato de texto alternativo, y tecnología adaptativa para los estudiantes de RCC con discapacidades.

El Laboratorio de Tecnología Adaptativa provee al estudiante de ayuda y evaluaciones por medio del acceso adaptativo a equipos y tecnologías.

Se sugiere que los estudiantes que supongan tienen una discapacidad, soliciten una cita para explorar la posibilidad de tener acceso a nuestros servicios.


The Rogue Community College Ospreys compete in the South Region of the Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC). The college hosts men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball.

National data collected by the NCAA consistently shows that college athletes graduate at a higher rate than other students, and that many companies prefer to hire student athletes because they have developed the ability to set goals, stick to a training program and achieve results. Athletic tuition waivers are offered at the coach’s discretion.

If you would like to know how you can support or join the Ospreys, please visit

The Northwest Athletic Conference is the parent athletic organization for 35 community colleges located in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Click the link to learn more about NWAC.


  • Advising Center L Building, Redwood Campus
  • Student Success Center Building, Riverside Center
  • Student Success Center, A Building, Table Rock Campus

RCC provides comprehensive counseling services to assist students with education and career plans and with personal or social concerns. Licensed professional counselors are available and offer the following services on a limited drop-in basis and by appointment:

  • Crisis intervention.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Career and life planning.
  • Career, job market and scholarship information.
  • Early intervention for academic success.

Career Counseling and Planning

Students may receive career counseling and planning assistance. Computerized information on careers, job market information, and related training programs are also available from Counseling.

The RCC website provides useful career exploration resources. Student Employment Services provides assistance and information for resume writing, interview skills, and job search tools.  Students may speak with an Academic & Career Coach for career planning and guidance.

Retention and On-call Counseling

College students often experience challenges coping with stress. Meeting with a counselor may help with the demands of college. Counselors provide professional counseling services to assist students with concerns that may create barriers to success. Students at RCC may obtain short-term, solution-focused counseling at no charge. Support groups for specific populations are also available. Please contact Counseling for more information. Some of the reasons why students seek counseling services are:

  • To reduce test and math anxiety.
  • To increase self-esteem and enhance personal growth.
  • To gain stress management skills.
  • To develop and maintain healthy relationships.
  • To better integrate family, school, and work.
  • To learn conflict resolution strategies.
  • To become a more effective problem solver.
  • To receive referrals for off-campus counseling services or other resources.
  • To cope with loss or grief.

Counseling FAQs

Are services confidential?

RCC Counseling follows the ethical and legal standards of the state of Oregon, which insures confidentiality except in the following situations:

  • The student provides a written request to release information.
  • There is an imminent danger to the student or others.
  • There is concern about child or elder abuse or neglect.
  • A court orders a release of a student’s records.

How do I know if I need counseling?

Rogue Community College encourages students to make an appointment with the Counseling department and talk to a Counselor who can help a student decide if counseling is needed. The following questions may be helpful to consider:

  • Do you have intense feelings of depression?
  • Do you experience feelings of anxiety or panic?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating on assignments in class?
  • Do you feel that your usual coping strategies are not working?
  • Do you recognize a pattern of behavior that creates personal and academic problems?

Will counselor services become part of my academic record?

Counselor contact and files are protected by confidentiality regulations and are not part of a student’s academic record.

Who are the counselors?

For counselor names, phone numbers and locations visit the Meet the Counselors page on the RCC website.

What other services are offered?

  • Assistance with grade appeals.
  • Conflict mediation.
  • Student concern and complaint support.
  • Substance abuse referrals.
  • Title IX reporting support.

Enrollment Services

  • Redwood Campus, Wiseman Loft 541-956-7427
  • Table Rock Campus, A Building,  541-956-7427

Enrollment Services is responsible for Student Records and Registrar office functions, such as enrollment and degree verifications, transcripts, grades, degree audits, transfer and military credit evaluations, graduation, conferring degree and certificates, providing myRogue portal support, answering registration questions, and family education rights and privacy act (FERPA) compliance.

Financial Aid

Visit RCC’s Applying for Financial Aid page for information about the financial aid application process.

Financial assistance for educational purposes comes from federal, state, institutional and private sources. Types of financial aid include grants, part-time employment, scholarships and loans.

Visit the Financial Aid webpage (above), email Financial Aid Advising at, or stop by Rogue Central at these locations:

  • Redwood Campus (Grants Pass) - Welcome Center
  • Riverside Center (Medford) - HEC-102
  • Table Rock Campus (White City) - Building A, Rm 187

Contact the Financial Aid Office by mail: 3345 Redwood Hwy., Grants Pass, OR 97527 or by email:

Watch your RCC student email for award letters, requests for information, and other information about your financial aid.


Generally, students may participate in federal student financial aid programs if they are:

  • U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.
  • Have a high school diploma (not “extended”) or a recognized equivalent (e.g. GED®).
  • Admitted to the college.
  • Enrolled in and working toward the completion of an aid-eligible certificate or degree program (see RCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy).
  • Not in default or do not owe a repayment of federal financial aid.
  • Can demonstrate applicable need for financial assistance.

Eligibility for state aid generally follows federal rules, except for undocumented residents who may apply for state grants with an Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA).

Eligibility requirements differ for various types of aid, and awards may also be limited to the availability of resources.

How to Apply

  1. Complete one annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA) for the academic year. Online applications are available at  The RCC federal school code is #010071. (Undocumented Oregon residents may complete an ORSAA in lieu of the FAFSA for state aid.)
  2. RCC recommends submitting an annual FAFSA on or as soon as possible after October 1 preceding the school year. Applications completed at least six weeks before summer, fall and winter terms (four weeks for spring) will receive priority processing. If your FAFSA is federally processed after you are no longer eligibly enrolled, you won’t qualify for any financial aid for that academic year. If enrolled at RCC when your FAFSA is federally processed and it’s selected for verification, all required documents must be submitted to RCC Financial Aid one week prior to the end of your enrolled term to be considered for a Financial Aid Award Offer.
  3. Complete and return any requested documents right away. Applicants will be notified of financial aid eligibility per an official Financial Aid Award Offer, both issued by RCC in good faith and based on information available at the time. Recipients must review and accept the Fin Aid Rights and Responsibilities which includes policies such as Satisfactory Academic Progress and Return of Title IV prior to accessing their award letter.
  4. Students interested in part-time work and/or student loan options may apply once the Financial Aid Award Offer is issued and prior to term application deadlines. The loan application process opens in June prior to the start of the academic year. More information about these programs and application deadlines is available from Financial Aid Advising and on the RCC website on the Financial Aid webpage.

Where’s the Aid?

“Disbursement” is the process where your financial aid funds are applied to your student account to pay your tuition, fees, and other authorized charges. The disbursement process generally begins the 2nd Wednesday of each term. If your financial aid exceeds your account balance, a refund will be processed by the Business Office beginning the second Friday of each term with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Select your preferences at the BankMobile Disbursements Refund Choices website to avoid delays to your refund.

Return of Title IV Funds Policy

In the event you drop all your classes (official withdrawal), stop attending your classes (unofficial withdrawal), or receive all F grades, RCC must calculate how much aid was unearned and you may owe a repayment of your financial aid award offer. The RCC Financial Aid office will contact you with information about the amount you may owe. You are responsible for arranging repayment with the RCC Business Office and/or your federal loan servicer (if applicable). Repayments and overdue account balances may make you ineligible for enrollment and future financial aid until they are resolved.

How to Get and Keep Financial Aid

  • Be admitted to RCC and declare an aid-eligible major.
  • Enroll in courses that satisfy graduation requirements for your major(s).
  • Attend classes.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for financial aid recipients. Any time you earn at least an associate degree, future financial aid access will be determined through a Credit Extension Appeal process.

Aid will be adjusted each term to match your aid-eligible enrollment level as of the drop deadline.

RCC defines term enrollment levels as follows:

  • Full-time, 12 or more aid-eligible credits.
  • Three-quarter-time, 9-11 aid-eligible credits.
  • Half-time, 6-8 aid-eligible credits.
  • Less-than-half-time, 1-5 aid-eligible credits.

Awards made after the drop deadline will be based on actual aid-eligible enrollment. Awards generally are not adjusted after eligible payment except in the case of no attendance, a complete withdraw through 60 percent of the term, or documented institutional error.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

To qualify for or maintain financial aid eligibility, a student must be making satisfactory academic progress for financial aid toward an aid-eligible program.
For more information, see the RCC Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

Dual Enrollment (Degree Partnership Program or DPP)

If concurrently enrolled in program credits at RCC and another institution, RCC may be able to serve as the home institution and base financial aid on your combined credit load. For consideration, submit a DPP Form at the beginning of the term. Forms are available on RCC’s Financial Aid Forms page.

Rogue Community College reserves the right to deny such a request if, for example, it is submitted late, the student does not maintain minimum credits, the credits are not applicable to the RCC program of study, or prior-term grades were not submitted or reflect a lack of successful completion.

Types of Financial Aid

The amount and availability of financial aid and eligibility criteria may vary with each program. The following list provides general information about available student aid programs:

  1. Grants and scholarships are awards that generally do not require repayment.
  • Federal Pell Grants of up to 150 percent of $7,395 annually are disbursed for up to four quarters. Lifetime maximum is 18 full-time equivalent quarters.
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service grants of up to maximum Pell, less up to 7.3 percent may be available in lieu of a Federal Pell grant to eligible dependents of those who become totally and permanently disabled or died as a result of qualified service.
  • The Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) helps Oregon students pursue their college and career goals. OSAC offers scholarships and grants for students, including the Oregon Opportunity Grant and Oregon Promise Grant. They oversee the Oregon Student Aid Application for DACA students and undocumented students. For additional information, go to
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs) are worth up to $100 per term and awarded to early applicants who attend at least half-time and who demonstrate high financial need. Funding is limited; submit the FAFSA early.
  • The RCC Foundation provides numerous scholarship opportunities. In addition, RCC maintains an online list of scholarships made possible by various organizations. Amounts, eligibility, and application deadlines vary. Peak application season is mid-fall through early March, but some opportunities exist year-round. Go to the RCC Foundation’s Scholarship page for more information.

NOTE: RCC does not participate in the federal TEACH grant.

  1. Part-time student work programs administered through RCC Student Employment Services.
  • Redwood Campus (Grants Pass, Wiseman Building, 541-956-7091)
  • Table Rock Campus (White City, Building A, 541-956-7091)

The Federal Work Study (FWS) program provides jobs for students who maintain at least half-time enrollment and demonstrate financial need. Once hired, students will complete employment paperwork with Student Employment Services. An award of up to $1,500 per term is added to the Award Letter. Awards are subject to the availability of funds. Eligibility does not guarantee a job. Due to limited funding, RCC reserves the right to convert FWS employment to the RCC institutional Learn and Earn program.

For information about other student employment opportunities, see Student Employment Services.

  1. Federal Direct Loans (FDL) represent student debt that must be repaid with fees and interest. At least half-time, aid-eligible program enrollment is required. To monitor your student loan portfolio, visit the Federal Student Aid website, log in with your FSA ID and use your Dashboard.

RCC offers subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans (DL).

  • Subsidized DL eligibility is based on budgetary need and is awarded up to annual maximums based on dependency status and grade level. Interest is charged only after the borrower is no longer enrolled at least half-time.
  • Unsubsidized DL eligibility is not based on financial need. Aid can be awarded up to the lesser of annual maximums based on dependency status and grade level or budgetary need (cost of attendance less aid and resources). Interest is charged to the borrower from the date of disbursement and may be paid quarterly, upon request, to avoid capitalization.

Rogue Community College accepts an annual FDL application after an Award Letter or Eligibility Notification has been issued and before the term’s application deadline. The deadline is published on the Loan Request/Revision Form found on RCC’s Financial Aid Forms page.

An application includes online and workshop-based loan-entrance counseling for first-time borrowers, a loan request form and an active master promissory note, which must be on file with the U.S. Department of Education. Borrowers may reduce or cancel a loan up to 14 days after disbursement or pre-pay anytime without penalty. Per HEA, sec. 479 (a)(c), 34CFR 685.301 (a)(g), RCC has the right to refuse or limit origination on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Students who need more financial aid than RCC determines they are eligible for, can pursue scholarship opportunities. Alternative educational loans may be available after all federal aid is exhausted, but these loans come at a higher cost, often require a co-signer to qualify and are not federally regulated. Consumers should carefully review terms and conditions. For more information, contact Financial Aid Advising. RCC has the right to refuse or limit origination.

NOTE: RCC does not participate in federal PLUS or Perkins loan programs.

If annual financial aid was limited by a student’s estimated cost of attendance, and the student’s program of study requires a professional credential prior to graduation, RCC may be able to add this one-time cost in the student’s budget, which may result in additional loan eligibility.

To apply, submit a Budget Revision Request to your Financial Aid Advisor along with all requested supporting documentation.

Students who have disability-related or other significant education-related, out-of-pocket expenses may submit a Budget Revision Request, with documentation, to have the cost of attendance adjusted.

Tuition Awards

Active Duty Members Tuition Awards

  • National Guard/Selected Reserves Tuition Assistance (through the ArmyIgnitED website)           

The Tuition Assistance (TA) program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. TA is available for courses offered in the classroom or by distance learning and is part of an approved academic degree or certificate program. The courses must be offered by schools registered in ArmyIgnitED, are accredited by accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and are signatories to the current Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding (DOD MOU).

All eligible soldiers will request TA through ArmyIgnitED. You may contact Ann Browning at 503-584-3434, or

ONGSTA tuition assistance is offered through Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) for the state of Oregon. Eligible Oregon National Guard members can use the Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) for undergraduate degree and certificate programs at Oregon community collegespublic universitiesOregon Health and Science University (OHSU), and eligible post-secondary private institutions. The program will provide funding for in-state residency tuition rates for Oregon’s community colleges (up to 90 quarter credits), public universities, and OHSU (up to 180 quarter credits). For eligible private post-secondary institutions (up to 180 quarter credits or 120 semester credits), tuition will fund up to the average base in-state resident tuition rate of the seven Oregon public universities.

  • Dependents of Fallen Oregon Service Members.

To honor military service to our country, RCC will grant tuition for up to 135 credits to dependents of an Oregon resident soldier who became totally (100 percent) and permanently disabled in connection with active military service if those dependents are not covered by financial aid, Veterans education benefits, or other funding source.

More information is available from RCC Military Coordinators. The DFOSM Tuition Award form is available on the RCC Military Services Forms page.

Displaced Worker Tuition Award

Available to residents of RCC district who has been terminated or received notice of termination as a result of a plant closure or lay off within the district and within the last calendar year. The tuition award waives up to 6 credits of tuition when students register for at least 12 credits in their first term of enrollment at RCC. More information is available from RCC Enrollment Services office. The Displaced Worker Tuition Award form is available on the Forms for Students page.

Lifelong Learner Tuition Award

Senior tuition discount available to Oregon residents, ages 62 years and older who audit up to 8 credits of eligible classes per term. Students using the lifelong learner tuition discount do not receive credit for the classes and do not pay tuition for up to 8 credits, but are responsible for course fees, books, and supplies.  Only lower-division collegiate classes (numbered 100 level or higher) are eligible for the tuition discount.  Career-technical courses with the following course prefixes are not eligible for the tuition discount: AH, AM, APR, BT, CPL, DA, DS, ECE, EET, EMS, ES, FRP, HC, HS, MET, MFG, MT, NRS, PN, PRX, SRV, and WLD. More information is available from RCC Admission and Recruitment office.

Financial Literacy

Rogue Community College has contracted for student loan default prevention assistance and financial literacy information for our students, as follows:
I3’s “IonTuition” platform, specializing in helping student loan borrowers navigate repayment as well as providing financial literacy resources to the college community. For more information borrowers can call 855-456-2656 (toll-free) or visit the IonTuition FAQ page.


Enrollment Services, 541-956-7427

Graduates are formally recognized at commencement ceremonies each June. Students in degree or certificate programs must submit an application for graduation two terms prior to anticipated completion. To participate in the June commencement ceremony, submit applications by mid-February. Graduation applications are available online at the Enrollment Services Forms for Students page.

Students who completed their programs at the end of an academic term during the year prior to commencement and those who will complete requirements during the summer term after commencement are invited to participate in the ceremony. Graduation with honors is based on a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher computed through the end of winter term. Students who meet this criteria may wear an honor cord in recognition of academic achievement.

Degrees and certificates will be mailed to eligible graduates approximately six to eight weeks after final grades are available for verification. Diplomas will be mailed to students’ addresses on file with the college.

Graduation Requirements

To receive a state-approved degree or certificate from Rogue Community College, students must successfully complete the appropriate coursework with a minimum of “C-” or “pass” and meet the following standards:

  • General Education Requirements (applies to degrees, certificates and career pathways certificates).
  • Fulfill requirements listed on a program map. The college may elect any set of catalog requirements for a student to complete from the year a student begins a program through the current year.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the time the Associate of Arts Transfer, Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer, Associate of Science Transfer or Associate of Science Oregon Transfer degree is awarded.
  • Students must have a 2.0 GPA based on the RCC courses completed toward their Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate.

Time Limit for Program Completion

There is no time limit to complete a certificate or degree program as long as it has not been terminated or suspended, and the required program-specific courses are still offered at RCC. The college may elect any set of catalog requirements to complete from the year a student begins a program through the current year. Degree and certificate awards are dependent on program availability at the time of completion. Requirements for many programs are subject to change each year. If students have had a gap in enrollment of more than four consecutive terms, consult an academic and career coach about available catalog year options.

RCC has the right to terminate, suspend or reinstate its academic programs at any time. In the event a program is terminated or suspended, declared majors making significant progress each term in that academic year will be identified and formally advised of the program’s status. RCC will then assist those students in completing requirements whenever possible as part of a formal teach out plan. Students who do not comply with the requirements of the plan may forfeit their rights to complete the program. Should that happen, students will be advised about other program opportunities that exist should they wish to choose another major.

Graduation Residency Requirement

Students must earn a minimum of 24 credits toward the degree at RCC to earn a two-year degree, a minimum of 12 credits toward a certificate at RCC to earn a one-year certificate, or at least 25 percent of total credits toward a less than one-year certificate or a career pathway certificate. The remainder of credits required to graduate may be transferred from an accredited institution or earned through credits for prior learning. No more than 25 percent of a program’s credits may be earned through credit for prior learning.

Latino Services

Latino Outreach and Recruitment

RCC Latino Outreach & Recruitment provides additional support for prospective and current Latinx students. Staff support students with the enrollment process, transitioning into college, and throughout their college experience.

Be Beca Ready Workshops

Workshops designed to help Latinx students apply for scholarships. Students will receive help with the scholarship application process including their essay questions.

Educación, un Mundo de Oportunidades (EMO)

EMO is a nonprofit one-day educational conference designed to assist Latino high school juniors and seniors from Jackson and Josephine counties. The purpose of this conference is to motivate youth on ways to overcome barriers, realize the dream of going to college and become their own success story. The conference provides relevant information about postsecondary education through encouraging speeches from keynote speakers, community members and current RCC students.

Helping Oregon Latinos Advance (HOLA) Summer Bridge Program

The HOLA Summer Bridge Program is an annual, multi-day event hosted in September designed to help Latinx students transition into Rogue Community College. This program is intended to orient new Latinx students to college, helping them research pathways, identifying ways to pay for college, and learning strategies to be successful college students.

Southern Oregon Latino Scholarship Fund

The Southern Oregon Latino Scholarship is open to students from Josephine, Jackson, and Klamath Counties. This scholarship provides opportunities for Latinx students living in the Southern Oregon region to complete their post-high school career/degree goals. This scholarship’s primary aim is to build leadership in our region’s communities.

Servicios Latinos

Latino Outreach and Recruitment

RCC Latino Outreach and Recruitment ofrece ayuda adicional para los actuales y futuros estudiantes Latinx. El personal de RCC ayudara a estudiantes con el proceso de inscripción, y la transición al colegio.

Be Beca Ready Workshops (Taller De Becas)

Taller diseñado para ayudar a estudiantes Latinx que quieran aplicar a becas. Estudiantes van a recibir ayuda para llenar la solicitud de becas y ayuda con sus ensayos.

Educación, Un Mundo de Oportunidades (EMO)

EMO, presentará por un dia solamente, una conferencia educativa para ayudar en los condados a estudiantes latinos de los grados 11 y 12. Esta conferencia tiene información relevante sobre la educación post secundaria y otros recursos valiosos para lograr el éxito en la Universidad y educación más avanzada.

Ayudando a Los Latinx de Oregon a Progresar (HOLA) Programa de Verano

El programa HOLA Summer Bridge es un evento anual GRATUITO diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes Latinx a ingresar en Rogue Community College. El objetivo de este programa es ayudar a aumentar la preparación universitaria.  La clase de una semana incluye Aprender a ser un estudiante universitario, investigar los especializaciones y carreras de la universidad / colegio, y identificar cómo conseguir dinero gratis para su educación.

Beca para Latinos del Sur de Oregón

La Beca para Latinos del Sur de Oregón está abierta a estudiantes de los condados de Josephine, Jackson y Klamath. Esta beca brinda oportunidades para que los estudiantes latinos que viven en la región del sur de Oregón completen sus metas de carrera/título después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria. El objetivo principal de esta beca es desarrollar el liderazgo en las comunidades de nuestra región.

Military Services

Military Services Mission Statement: Rogue Community College (RCC) Military Services provides a safe and professional environment for our veterans, dependents, families, active-duty members, college community, and external partners by assisting students to achieve their educational and career goals. The staff seeks to guide, mentor, and advise Military Students as they navigate higher education, select a career goal, complete college, and move into a professional career.

Military Services are available to RCC students in Jackson and Josephine counties.


Military Students receiving GI Bill® benefits while attending RCC are required to obtain official transcripts, military transcripts and all previously attended colleges, universities and technical schools. Military Students submitting transcripts will receive priority evaluation in an effort to not duplicate courses.

Send official transcripts to:
Rogue Community College
3345 Redwood Hwy
Grants Pass, OR 97527

Getting started at RCC

For information about starting at RCC and obtaining Veterans Educational Benefits, visit the Military Services page, Getting Started as a GI Bill® Student. The website will give you step by step instructions. If you have questions on how to get started at RCC, please contact our Military Coordinator on the Redwood or Table Rock campuses.

RCC offers military students assistance with the GI Bill® application process, priority registration, Boots to Books Orientation training, a military students college success class, campus Military Resource Centers (MRC), and VA Work-Study opportunities. Our Military Coordinators will help you make the transition from service member (and dependent) to a successful RCC student and graduate.

Apply for Your Veterans Benefits

Click the link to apply for your Veterans Educational Benefits

When you receive your Certificate of Eligibility (CofE), please see a Military Coordinator who will complete your Enrollment Certification Form 1999 and forward it to the VA for processing. Military Coordinators at RCC are unable to determine a student’s eligibility for benefits. GI Bill® students are welcome to access Military Coordinators prior to receiving their CofE or Enrollment Certification (Form 1999) for planning purposes.

Boots to Books GI Bill® Military Student Orientation

Military Services at RCC assists GI Bill® students who are utilizing their educational benefits to attend college. The Boots to Books orientation for new GI Bill® students is 30 minutes and mandatory when beginning at RCC. You will learn how to access benefits specific to your chapter, how to navigate the college systems, and find resources to complement your college experience. Visit the Military Resource Center (MRC) to sign up.

CG100V College Success for Student Veterans

Rogue Community College’s (RCC) CG100V (Student Veterans’ College Success & Survival) class for student veterans provides straightforward guidance for GI Bill® students, veterans, and active duty members looking to earn a degree.

CG100V is a term-long, two-credit class. This course is tuition and fee free for all GI Bill® student, veterans, and active-duty members. Topics include:

  • The differences between military and college culture.
  • Developing effective, efficient study habits.
  • Career identification and degree planning.
  • Managing finances and maximizing benefits.
  • Cultivating the skills employers are seeking.

Military Resource Centers (MRC)

  • Redwood Campus - Student Center Building, 541-956-7289
  • Table Rock Campus - A Building, Room 150, 541-956-7289

MRC Mission Statement

At Rogue Community College our Military Resource Centers (MRC) are committed to assisting active military students, veterans, dependents and spouses to transition successfully from the military environment to campus life as they learn to navigate through the education process and progress toward completing their academic degree. Assistance includes:

  • Financial aid and disability services.
  • GI Bill® application.
  • Peer-to-peer support.
  • Campus and RCC website navigation.
  • Scholarship applications.

MRCs offer active military students, veterans, dependents and spouses, a collaborative and cooperative environment for every branch and era of service.

Priority Registration for Gi Bill® Students, Active-Duty Members, and Veterans

GI Bill® students are given a one-day priority registration for courses at RCC. RCC proudly complies with House Bill 2565, offering eligible student veterans and current military service member’s (including spouses & dependents) priority registration for each term.

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Policy


Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 [effective July 1, 2015] was codified in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c). In 2016, Congress passed Public Law 114-315 [effective July 1, 2017], which modified 38 U.S.C. 3679(c). In 2018, Congress passed Public Law 115-251 [effective April 1, 2019], which further amended 38 U.S.C. 3679(c). In 2020, Congress passed Public Law 116-315 [effective June 21, 2021], which further amended 38 U.S.C. 3679(c). The following policy includes the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c), as amended.

The following individuals shall be charged the in-state rate, or otherwise considered a resident, for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill® - Active-Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the state of Oregon while attending Rogue Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the state of Oregon while attending Rogue Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the state of Oregon while attending Rogue Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • Anyone using educational assistance under Chapter 31, Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), who lives in the state of Oregon while attending Rogue Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • Anyone using educational assistance under Chapter 35 (Dependents’ Educational Assistance G.I. Bill®) who lives in the state of Oregon while attending Rogue Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at Rogue Community College.
  • Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) School Compliance Form As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, United States Code was amended, and educational institution will be required to sign this compliance form to confirm your compliance with the requirements as outlined. Effective August 1, 2019, the VA shall disapprove a course of education provided by an educational institution that has in effect a policy that is inconsistent with the areas below:
  • NOTE: A Covered Individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits.

    Our policy must permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.
  • Your policy must ensure that your educational institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33. Your signature on this document attests that your facility currently complies with the requirements of 38 USC 3679(e), or will comply by the effective date of August 1, 2019.
  • Federal and State Laws Protect Military Students on Orders:  In 2010, the Department of Education published regulations implementing the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.  The regulation, 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R) section 668.18, went into effect July 1, 2010.  The law is codified under 20 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 1091c. The law and regulations accord the post-secondary education student whose education was interrupted by voluntary or involuntary military service the right to readmission to the educational program. These requirements apply to any educational institution that participates in Title IV Federal Student Financial Aid Programs, including Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, and the Federal Work-Study Program. 
  • The GI Bill® is the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) registered trademark.  More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official Federal GI Bill® website.

RCC Mobile App for Students

Rogue Community College offers a free social media app for mobile devices that allows RCC students to easily communicate with each other, get important messages from departments and clubs, access myRogue, keep up with campus events, explore maps and college services, and more.

To download the RCC app, search “Rogue Community College” in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Find links on the web on RCC’s Campus App page.

Student Employment Services

Looking for on-campus Employment?

Student Employment Services offers support and assistance to students seeking on-campus employment. On-campus student employment is available to students enrolled in six or more credits with a 2.0+ cumulative GPA. Join the team today and reap the rewards of on-campus employment!

  • Advance toward your career goals.
  • Flexible schedule that supports you being a student first.
  • Great opportunity to network within the RCC community.
  • Learn applicable on-the-job skills and competencies.

For open positions, please visit the Employment page of the RCC website.

Student Life

Student Life at RCC provides opportunities for students to develop and strengthen leadership skills and gain experiences that enhance student life and the college community. Opportunities include student government, student activities, athletics, clubs and organizations, honor society and more. Check out the links below for more information on ways to engage with the RCC community!

Associated Student Government

The Associated Student Government of Rogue Community College (ASGRCC) is the voice for the student body and acts as a liaison for the students to the Administration, Staff and Faculty. The ASGRCC Executive Council are elected student leaders including, but not limited to: student body president, vice president of governance; director of publicity and media; director of clubs and organizations and activities; and director and vice president of student engagement.  Additional student government leaders may be appointed by the ASCRCC Executive Council. Student government leaders receive a stipend for their services to the student body and the college at large.

Student Government coordinates student activities that promote student engagement and leadership, maintains campus clubs and organizations. ASGRCC keeps abreast of legislative and political issues and strives to create and maintain an atmosphere of open discussion and inclusion.

Athletics Department

The Rogue Community College Ospreys are a member of the Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC). As a member of the south region of the NWAC, RCC hosts men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball. RCC team colors are royal blue and kelly green. For more information or to apply as an athlete, go to RCC Athletics website. Go Ospreys!

Clubs and Organizations

The Associated Student Government of Rogue Community College (ASGRCC) works to serve students through clubs and student engagement. ASGRCC works to connect existing clubs with RCC Guided Pathways and encourages RCC students to charter new clubs based on student interests. ASGRCC is intentional about providing access to resources for students, and clubs are a primary avenue for students to access college resources and unite students together for the common goal of creating a safe, successful, and welcoming educational environment.

Honor Society (Alpha Zeta Pi)

Academic excellence is the primary hallmark of Alpha Zeta Pi along with service and leadership opportunities. Candidates are identified each term and invitations to join are sent to candidates meeting the following criteria:

  • 3.65 GPA on the 4.0 scale
  • Completed 24 transferable credits (May include professional/technical credits 100+)
  • Enrolled in 8 or more credits
  • Only one “W” on transcript within a two-term period

Member benefits include:

  • Apply for Alpha Zeta Pi scholarships
  • Honor society notation on RCC transcript
  • Recognition at graduation
  • Leadership and service opportunities
  • Utilize membership on other academic and professional applications
  • Certificate of recognition

Ossie’s Cupboard

  • Redwood Campus - Student Center, Room 8
  • Table Rock Campus - A Building, Room 170

Ossie’s Cupboard is a free food pantry and hygiene service at Redwood (Grants Pass) and Table Rock Campuses (White City). Ossie’s Cupboard partners with the Oregon Food Bank, the RCC Foundation, and community partners to provide healthy food and hygiene products to all students and staff at RCC. The team at Ossie’s Cupboard realize that people struggle with food insecurities. Our goal is to provide access to nutritional foods and hygiene at no cost. Check out the online ordering form for easy access to food and hygiene.

TRIO Programs

TRIO Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)

TRIO EOC provides information and one-on-one help with the steps required to enroll in college. Prospective students can walk-in or schedule an appointment at one of the three main RCC campuses for free assistance with:

  • College admissions
  • Class placements and registration

Financial Aid / FAFSA Scholarships Next steps to successfully start college For more information or to schedule an appointment, click the link to visit the website or contact us at or 541-956-7097.

TRIO Educational Talent Search

TRIO Educational Talent Search serves middle and high school students in Jackson County who may benefit from services designed to enhance persistence, graduation rates, and college enrollment services are offered at no cost to eligible participants attending select schools. Services include:

  • Support for high school and middle school students (grades 6-12)
  • Grade-specific career investigation and “college-prep” workshops
  • Academic and pre-college planning activities
  • Assistance in completing financial aid and admissions applications
  • Academic tutoring and mentoring
  • Assistance with pre-college test preparation
  • College application and test fee waivers
  • Visits to Oregon colleges and universities
  • Exposure to cultural events and volunteer opportunities

For more information, click the link to visit the website or contact us at or 541-955-7526. TRIO Educational Talent Search

University Transfer - TRIO Student Support Services

University Transfer - TRIO Student Support Services assists RCC students who intend to transfer to a four-year institution and complete a bachelor’s degree. Students receive enhanced support at no additional charge as they successfully complete RCC courses and prepare to transfer.

Eligible students must meet one of the following criteria: have been raised by parents or caregivers who have not earned a bachelor’s degree, have financial barriers, or have a documented disability.

Students also must have completed or be enrolled in MTH65 and WR115. Services provided by University Transfer -TRIO SSS include:

  • Academic and transfer advising.
  • Career guidance.
  • Peer tutoring and mentoring.
  • Scholarship and financial literacy workshops.
  • Study groups for college success.
  • A student lounge with computers and kitchen area.
  • University tours and cultural activities.
  • Tuition-free transfer classes.

For more information, click the link to visit the TRIO/SSS website or call or text program staff at (541) 956-7342 on the Redwood campus or (541) 956-7382 on the Riverside campus.  Each TRIO Student Support Services program at Rogue Community College is funded by federal TRIO grants that average $278,307 per year.

Voter Registration

Rogue Community College is committed to promoting voter registration and civic engagement among our students. The Associated Student Government is an active force in this effort and works to ensure each student is aware of voter resources. Click the link for more information and to register online.