Feb 10, 2025  
RCC Catalog 2023-2024 
RCC Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions and Registration

Get on the Path

Steps to Getting Started

Find your Path

The RCC Career Coach and Guided Pathways
Discover how your passions and skills can best be used in the workplace - because people who do what they love, love what they do. Let us help you get on the right path from the beginning, saving you money and time.

1. Apply for Admissions
Completing an admission application is fast, free and is required for all programs. When you are done, you will receive an email with the RCC ID number that you will need during your college career. Contact recruitment@roguecc.edu for help

2. Apply for Financial Aid
Save your money! Spend ours. More than 3 billion dollars of federal aid goes unclaimed. * Financial assistance can make your education affordable. Complete your FAFSA/ORSSA early.
Complete your FAFSA (studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa). Email TRIO-EOC for help with your FAFSA at trioeoc@roguecc.edu. Complete your ORSAA (www.oregonstudentaid.gov).
Email recruitment@roguecc.edu or call 541-956-7217 for help with your ORSAA.
Need to work? Check out our campus jobs.

3. Connect with Your Advisors
After completing the placement process, you will meet with your advisors. Your advising team includes: An Academic & Career Coach (ACC), who will assist you with course registration and advising, updating your major, and much more. A Financial Aid Advisor will assist you in determining the cost of your education and how to pay for it including grants, loans, scholarships and jobs.

4. Complete New Student Orientation (NSO)
Complete the online New Student Orientation (NSO). During your online orientation, you will receive the information and resources you need to make a strong start in college. More information can be found at www.roguecc.edu/newStudents/NSO.asp.

5. Register for Classes
Log into your myRogue Student Portal and register for classes. Order books and supplies online at Ambassador Bookstore.

Admissions Policy

Students 18 years and older may be admitted to RCC. Students under the age of 18 who have graduated from high school or completed a GED® may be admitted. For enrollment under 18 years old, see “Underage Enrollment.”

Questions may be directed to the Transition Specialists at recruitment@roguecc.edu.

Enrollment Limitations

The college may restrict enrollment in a class or program due to limited space, staff or equipment. Enrollment also is limited for some programs or classes due to special admission requirements such as minimum age, safety issues or criminal background.

Special Admission Programs

The following programs have their own applications and admissions requirements: 

  • Addiction Studies
  • Apprenticeship
  • Dental Assistant
  • Human Services
  • Massage Therapy
  • Administrative Medical Assistant
  • Medical Assistant
  • Nursing (Enrollment is limited and admission is not guaranteed.)
  • Occupational Skills Training
  • Paramedicine
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Phlebotomy 
  • Practical Nursing

See the Programs of Study section of this catalog for specific requirements and contact information.
NOTE: Some health care programs require students to submit verification of certain immunizations and medical tests.

International Admission

RCC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. International Admissions is open for the 2023-24 academic year. For all international questions, please see RCC’s International Student webpage.

Underage Enrollment Standards for Credit Classes

Underage Enrollment

Prospective students under the age of 18 who have not graduated from high school or completed a GED® must meet additional criteria for acceptance. The college reserves the right to approve or deny the request for enrollment by underage students.

First Term Course-Placement


The Placement Process is designed to enable a student with the assistance of RCC staff to determine the most appropriate class to match each student’s academic skill level.

Students who plan to enroll in any course with a prerequisite or intend to pursue a degree or certificate, must participate in the placement process. Many RCC credit-courses have prerequisites for a certain level of math, reading, and writing competency. Knowing which courses are best for you is important and will save you time, money, and frustration. RCC has multiple ways for you to be placed into your first term of classes that best fit your current skills.

The Placement Process may be met based on any of the following conditions:

  • An official or unofficial college transcript with successfully completed college-level reading and math classes.
  • High School cumulative GPA, Senior English course grade, and highest high school math course and grade within the last two (2) years.
  • SAT or ACT scores within the last five (5) years.
  • GED test scores within the last five (5) years.
  • Placement Assessment results from another college.
  • AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) scores.
  • Placement Assessment

For more information about your placement process options, contact the Transition Specialists at recruitment@roguecc.edu.

Placement Assessment


If you are unable to be placed using the multiple options, RCC provides a placement assessment called Accuplacer NextGen. Students take an untimed, user-friendly computerized assessment. RCC offers a free placement assessment at either our Redwood Campus (Grants Pass), or our Table Rock Campus (White City). We sometimes offer placement assessments at our Riverside Campus in Medford, also.

To request a placement assessment with accommodations due to a disability, contact Access and Disability Resources: by emailing accessOffice@roguecc.edu, calling 541-956-7337, or Oregon Telecom Relay Service, 711.

The following classes have no prerequisites and do not require a placement process or test:

  • ART 115   Basic Design (Composition)
  • ART 116   Basic Design (Color Theory)
  • ART 120   Introduction to Digital Art
  • ART 131   Introduction to Drawing (Value)
  • ART 132   Introduction to Drawing (Line)
  • ART 133   Introduction to Drawing (Mixed Media)
  • ART 222   Graphic Design (Typography)
  • ART 234   Figure Drawing I
  • ART 237   Illustration (Black and White Media)
  • ART 238   Illustration (Color Media)
  • ART 239   Illustration (Perspective)
  • ART 253   Ceramics I
  • ART 256   Ceramics IV
  • ART 257   Beginning Jewelry and Metalsmithing
  • ART 276   Sculpture
  • ART 281   Painting I
  • ART 287   Aqueous Media/Airbrush I
  • ART 294   Watercolor I
  • CG 100   College Success and Survival
  • CG 147   Decision Making
  • CG 150   Exploring Careers in Science and Technology
  • CIS 60   PC Basics I
  • CIS 120   Concepts in Computing I
  • DDM 120   Digital Graphic Design I
  • DDM 125   Digital Photography
  • DS 111   Basic Electricity for Diesel Technicians I
  • DS 120   Diesel Practices
  • DS 151   Heavy Equipment Brakes
  • DS 290   Diesel Repair Lab
  • ED 120   Leadership I
  • EET 100   Orientation to Electronics Technology Fields
  • EET 101   Electronics Fundamentals for Non-Majors
  • EET 108   Wearable and Lighting for Electronics
  • EET 112   Computer Programming for Technology
  • EMS 160   Electrocardiogram (ECG) Interpretation
  • ES 105   Introduction to Emergency Services
  • FRP 211   Hiring Practices in the Fire Service
  • FRP 242   Introduction to Codes and Ordinances
  • FRP 261   Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations
  • FRP 262   Fundamentals of Fire Prevention
  • FRP 264  Building Construction for Fire Protection
  • FRP 272   Fixed Systems and Extinguishers
  • FRP 274   Firefighting Strategy and Tactics
  • FRP 285   Fire Instructor I
  • HD 114   Life Planning
  • HD 215   Transfer Success
  • HE 112   Emergency First Aid
  • HE 145   Stress Management - Healthy Living
  • HE 261   CPR/Basic Life Support Provider
  • HS 152   Stress Management
  • MEC 130   Hydraulics I
  • MEC 135   Mechanical Drives I
  • MUS 101   Music Fundamentals
  • MUS 105   Music Appreciation
  • MUS 131   Class Piano I
  • MUS 135   Beginning Hand Drums
  • MUS 136   Introduction to Ukulele
  • MUS 137   Group Guitar - Beginning
  • MUS 142   Music Technology I
  • MUS 150   Rogue Chorus
  • MUS 151   Riverside Chorus
  • MUS 158   Chamber Music
  • PE 185___ Physical Education (activity courses)
  • TA 141   Fundamentals of Acting
  • TA 144   Improvisational Theater
  • TA 153   Theater Rehearsal and Performance
  • TA 190   Theater Practicum
  • WLD 101   Welding Fundamentals I

NOTE: Students receiving financial aid are limited to taking the required and elective courses in the graduation guide for their declared major.

Transfer Credits

RCC accepts 100-level and above lower-division collegiate courses from regionally accredited colleges when they meet the following transfer credit acceptance criteria:

  • Are graded C- or better.
  • Apply to an RCC program.
  • Have credit/contact hours, curriculum and outcomes that are equivalent to courses offered at RCC, are graded on a similar basis and taught by qualified professionals.
  • Meet the above criteria or are otherwise deemed appropriate substitutions for RCC courses.

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Evaluation of transfer credit may take up to six weeks, so it is important to apply early.

  • Get admitted to RCC.
  • Declare a major at RCC.
  • Order official transcripts from all previous colleges.
  • Provide course descriptions for any course taken more than 10 years ago that will be considered toward the evaluation.
  • For evaluation of military credit, order an official military transcript.
  • See “Credits earned through other programs.”

New Student Orientation


The RCC New Student Orientation is designed to help students explore their new college, meet the instructors and advisors who will help them through the next few years, and make friends! This means students don’t have to arrive already knowing the answers to all their questions as they learn from the NSO what RCC has to offer to make them successful as college student. 

During the orientation process, students will receive guidance on declaring a major, ways to pay for college, play games, tour the campus, and be introduced to social activities and clubs on campus.

Freshman Experience

For students who are new to the college environment and first-time freshmen, and/or have not yet decided on a major, there is a combination of classes designed to help them get started successfully in an academic career. By the end of this series they will understand what educational goals are and the skills required to complete them. Each of the following courses will count toward general education and/or elective requirements:

  • Appropriate math course each term.
  • Appropriate writing course each term.
  • CG100 College Success and Survival.
  • CG140, CG150 or CG155 Career Development Course.
  • CIS120 Concepts in Computing I.
  • COMM115 Introduction to Intercultural Communication.
  • RD120 Critical Reading and Thinking.
  • PSY101 Psychology of Human Relations.

See an Academic and Career Coach for details.

Freshman Experience Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Financial Literacy: RCC students will be able to manage and understand the relationship between income, expenses, credit and debt over time.
  2. Social Skills/Soft Skills: RCC students will adapt to and follow the social structures, formal rules and cultural norms of college.
  3. Connection: RCC students will be able to recognize the importance of developing and maintaining relationships with people and resources.
  4. Study Skills: RCC students will commit and persist in completing their goals through a purposeful selection of tools and strategies that work for them.
  5. Persistence: RCC students will commit to and persist along their chosen academic path through a purposeful and self-aware selection of tools and strategies.
  6. Navigate Systems: RCC students will identify and use key systems in the appropriate order at the appropriate t17ime.
  7. Major Secure: RCC students will purposefully pursue a career based on interests, abilities and career information.
  8. Awareness of Cultural Diversity: RCC students will respectfully engage with a variety of ideas, viewpoints and differences in spite of their implicit bias.


See the online registration schedule for priority registration times and additional information about registration options. Email Registrar@roguecc.edu for answers to questions about the registration process.

Credit students register using the online registration system at www.roguecc.edu/myRogue.

Students should register carefully as they are liable for tuition/fees for any registered courses. Students must drop themselves online if they do not plan to attend. Only those who have paid in full are eligible for priority registration.

For special registration arrangements due to a disability, contact Access and Disability Resources: 541-956-7337 or Oregon Telecom Relay Service, 711.

Rogue Central

Registration, advising, cashiering and financial aid services are available at one convenient location on each campus in Rogue Central


myRogue has many helpful tools including account history, course schedule, a link to report cards, and a link to online registration and Degree Audit. Students also receive important information via their RCC issued student email from registrar@roguecc.edu.

Logging on to myRogue

  1. Visit the RCC home page.
  2. Select myRogue Student Portal.
  3. Log in with RCC username and password that was created when completing the online admissions application.
  4. To reset password, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link, and follow the directions.

Change of Registration

Schedule changes may be made at www.roguecc.edu/myRogue.

Adding a Class

Classes may be added by registering online during registration periods through Monday of the second week of term.

NOTE: This deadline does not apply to Continuing Education or other classes that may begin at irregular times during the term.

Full or waitlisted classes

Classes that are full or waitlisted require instructor permission to register. Students must contact the instructor and request the class permission code. The deadline to register online with a permission code is Monday of the second week of the term.

Non-Attendance Drop

For term-length credit classes or non-term-length classes that start during the first week of the term, students must attend at least fifty percent of the class session for in-person classes or submit the first week assignment by Wednesday for web classes during the first week of the term, or they may be dropped for non-attendance from the class by the instructor.

NOTE: Drop only applies to classes students registered prior to the first day of the term.

Students unable to attend the class during the first class session should contact the instructor prior to the class meeting if they wish to avoid being dropped for non-attendance from that class. Contact information for instructors is online at the RCC Directory.

A tuition refund will be applied to the accounts of students who have been administratively dropped from class(es) due to non-attendance.

NOTE: This procedure does not relieve students of the responsibility to drop from classes. Students need to officially drop or withdraw from classes that begin at irregular intervals.

Official Drop or Withdrawal From Classes

  • Students may drop from a term-length class through Monday of the second week of the term until 11:59 p.m. Tuition is refunded in full (and financial aid adjusted if necessary) when a student drops from a class. There is no notation of the dropped class on the student’s grade report or transcript. See the chart below for the credit class refund and withdraw deadlines for non-standard term length classes.
  • Students may withdraw from classes until the Friday of the eighth week of the term (Thursday of fifth week in summer term). There is no refund when a student withdraws from a course. A grade of “W” is assigned for a withdrawn class; the “W” grade appears on a grade report and on a transcript.

NOTE: Students may drop or withdraw using internet registration in myRogue. The official withdraw date is the day a student withdraws online. Students who stop attending a class, but do not officially drop or withdraw will receive a grade for the course that will become a permanent entry on their academic records.

Credit Class Refund and Withdraw Deadlines

Class length Last day for a refund, 100% refund, nothing on transcript Last day to withdraw, no refund, W grade on transcript
Regular term length classes Monday, week two of the term Friday of week eight; summer term on Thursday of week five
One-day classes One day prior to class meeting First day of class
One-week classes The day of the first class meeting The day of the last class meeting
Two-week classes or longer The day of the first class meeting One day before last class meeting

Unofficial Drop or Withdrawal From Classes

Students who stop attending but do not officially drop or withdraw receive the grade they earned based on syllabus requirements. If that grade is F or NP, the instructor must enter the last date of attendance on the online grade roster, which becomes the official withdrawal date.

Cancellation of Classes

The college reserves the right to cancel any class due to extenuating circumstances such as low enrollment. Students will receive a full refund for canceled classes. Because changes do occur, students should verify their class schedules, before the term begins, at RCC’s myRogue student portal.

Tuition and Fees

The Rogue Community College Board of Education establishes tuition and fees. Current tuition and fee rates are posted at www.roguecc.edu/tuition.

Tuition is based on a per credit rate and determination of residency. (See “Residency policy.”) Tuition rates, fees and refunds are subject to change; current information is published on the RCC website. Search for “tuition rates.” Tuition and fees for auditing a course are the same as normal tuition fees.

Following are the tuition rates and fees for 2023-24:

  • Oregon residents - $120 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state residents - $148 per credit hour.
  • International students - $400 per credit hour.
  • Technology fee - $7 per credit.
  • College services fee - $17 per credit up to 15 credits.
  • ESL/ABS/GED® - $65 per term.
  • GED® test fee - 4 tests, $38 each = $152.
  • Non-credit classes - tuition varies by class or workshop and is published each term. A $7 technology fee may be assessed in addition to the workshop or class fee.
  • Penalty for Non-Payment - 5% of the outstanding balance or $5 whichever is greater charged on accounts that have not set up an installment plan or been paid in full by the first payment deadline, second week of term.
  • Late Fees: $15 late fee on delinquent accounts, assessed after the second and final installment payment deadlines, week 5 and week 8 of term.
  • Installment fee - $25.
  • Returned check fee - $25.



A student’s residence determines the tuition he or she will pay for classes. The college has three tuition schedules: in-state, out-of-state, and international. Documentation may be required to establish residency. Items that may be considered valid proof of residency include an Oregon driver’s license, property tax bill or utility bills (dated 90 days prior to the first day of the term). Students who cannot provide any one of the appropriate documents will be charged tuition as determined by the Director of Enrollment Services. Students may request a reclassification to in-state residency by submitting the Request to Establish Residency Status form to the Enrollment Services department. Requests must be submitted prior to the start of the term for which reclassification is to be effective.  Documentation will be required of the student in support of the reclassification request.


A student may register and pay in-state tuition if one of the following requirements is met:

  • Has maintained a permanent address in Oregon for at least 90 continuous days prior to the first day of the school term.
  • Is a permanent resident of Oregon but currently is stationed for military duty outside of Oregon.
  • A veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill®- Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), Chapter 35 (Dependents’ Educational Assistance) of title 38, United States Code, who lives in Oregon while attending a school located in Oregon (regardless of the student’s formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school will receive resident tuition.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b) (9)) who lives in Oregon while attending a school located in Oregon (regardless of his or her formal State of residence).
  • Was considered a resident at the time of admission, has maintained continuous enrollment and is a spouse or dependent of an active military member assigned to duty out-of-state.
  • Is a resident of Oregon who left the state for summer employment.
  • Is a resident of California, Idaho, Nevada or Washington.
  • Is a Native American or Alaska Native who graduated from an Oregon public or private high school.


Students who list their permanent addresses outside of Oregon must pay out-of-state tuition. This includes:

  • Students who list their parents’ address as outside Oregon and who are claimed as dependents by their parents on their income tax return.
  • Alaska residents who wish to receive the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend while attending RCC and must maintain their out-of-state residency status.
  • Non-citizens on a visitor’s visa or student visa certified by another college.


Students who are citizens of another country and are attending RCC on a student visa certified by RCC will pay the international tuition rate.

Payment Deadlines

Payment dates are indicated on the Academic Calendar each term. All tuition and fees must be paid in full by Friday of the second week of the term (Thursday in summer term) or an installment plan must be in place. Students whose tuition is paid by an agency need a voucher or purchase order on file before the payment deadline.

Students will be responsible for all tuition charges unless classes are dropped by drop deadline.

Payment Methods

It is strongly encouraged that payments be made either by credit card on myRogue or by check to our lockbox processor (see Payment address and cashiering locations). The following are available methods of payment:

  • Cash - U.S. funds only. Accepted in-person, see Cashiering locations section for hours.
  • Checks - Personal checks, cashier’s checks and money orders are accepted for the amount of purchase only. Please make checks payable to Rogue Community College and remit to our lockbox processor (see Payment address section). Print the student’s name and the student ID number clearly on the face of the check. A $25 charge is assessed on any returned check.
  • Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) - Payment is available online on myRogue. RCC student username and password are required.
  • Agency or company payments - Arrangements for payment by an agency or company must be pre-approved by the college. Please contact AR@roguecc.edu for the process. Once approved, agencies or companies will email vouchers for tuition, fees, books and supplies to the same email. If payment is not received from the agency, the student is responsible for the full amount.

Payment Address and Cashiering Locations

All checks must be sent to RCC’s lockbox at:
Rogue Community College
PO Box 3678
Portland, OR 97208-3678

For your convenience, postage-paid, pre-addressed envelopes are located at the cashiering locations below and can be dropped in any U.S. postal mailbox.

Cashiering locations - payments may be made in-person at the following campus locations and hours (closed for lunch from noon-1:00 p.m. and on Fridays during the summer):

  • Rogue Central, Redwood Campus, Grants Pass: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Rogue Central, Table Rock Campus, White City: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Rogue Central, Riverside Campus, Medford: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please help us manage our payment process by either mailing your check payment to the lockbox address, or making a credit card payment on myRogue at www.roguecc.edu/myRogue. If you would like to make a payment by phone, please call 541-956-7430. Should you have any payment-related questions you can also contact your Financial Advisor. Please direct all financial aid inquiries to your financial aid advisor.

Visit the Contact your Financial Advisor link, for your specific Financial Aid Advisor’s email based on your pathway.

Student Installment Plan


Students who have no delinquent accounts with RCC and have not defaulted on any previous payments at the college may defer payment of tuition and fees through the use of the student installment plan.

Students qualify if they have an account balance of more than $75 for credit courses or are enrolled in a short-term skills training course with tuition of $180 or more, provide a valid Social Security number, and have a satisfactory credit history with RCC.

Students who use the installment plan must pay $50 of the current term’s charges and a $25 non-refundable administrative fee by the payment deadline, listed on RCC’s Academic Calendar.

The balance is payable in the next two months in equal installments. The installment plan may be started after the payment deadline, but the two equal installments will be due by the regular tuition installment deadlines, and late fees will be assigned (see consequences of non-payment).

Students have until the payment deadline to make payment arrangements before additional fees apply.

Students who have entered into an installment plan and withdraw after the 100 percent refund period or unofficially withdraw are responsible for the balance. Although accounts may not be delinquent when priority registration begins, only those who have paid in full may register for a future term.

Installment plan applications are available on myRogue. Request more information via email: STAR@roguecc.edu.

Consequences of Non-payment

When students register for a class, they are liable for payment of the charges for that class. To remove charges, students must go online to drop the class by the refund deadline. Students are responsible for full payment of all charges by the payment due date even if the account is paid by another party or through financial aid.

Failure to pay in full or enter into an installment plan by the payment due date may result in the following fees:

  • Penalty for non-payment fee - 5 percent of past-due balance; minimum of $5.
  • Late registration - After initial registration and payment deadline, $15 plus 5 percent of tuition; after second installment deadline, $30 plus 5 percent of tuition; after last installment deadline, $45 plus 5 percent of tuition.

Student accounts with a balance at the end of the term will be sent to a collection agency. Students will be responsible for all collections costs and fees. Collection agencies will pursue all means of collecting the amount due including but not limited to the garnishment of wages, tax refunds or litigation.

RCC also may impose penalties on delinquent accounts. Registration may be denied or canceled, and the extension of credit, provision of services, grade reports, official transcripts, and diplomas may be withheld until such time that the indebtedness is paid in full.


Tuition and fees refunds: 

If the college cancels a class, students are entitled to a refund of tuition and fees. Financial aid is adjusted to the decreased enrollment level.

Tuition refunds are based on the date that students drop online rather than the last day class was attended. A “withdrawal” occurs when a class is not dropped within the refund deadlines as specified above. No refunds are issued for withdrawals.

Financial aid refunds: 

RCC delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: BankMobile Refund Choices.

Please refer to RCC Financial Aid for details on financial aid, and the Business Office for more information about refunds, including timing. All students must select their refund preferences at BankMobile Refund Choices in order to receive payments from RCC.

Refund Policy for Noncredit Classes:

Full payment for non-credit classes (e.g. community education, workforce development, and community education sponsored events) is due at the time of registration. Community Education and Workforce Development classes must be dropped at least three working days prior to the class start date to be eligible for a full refund.

If RCC cancels a non-credit class for any reason, all paid fees will be refunded. Please be certain of your intent to complete a class prior to registration. Classes may be canceled or postponed by RCC for insufficient enrollment one working day prior to the first class session. Appeals may be made by completing the account appeal form (found on the Continuing Education website) and returning it to the Continuing Education & Workforce Development Office at Redwood Campus, building A, for committee review.

See the RCC Continuing Education website for refund policies on non-credit courses.

Student Record Appeals

Students who think they have documented circumstances (such as hospitalization or a death in the family) that might warrant an exception to this policy may submit a Student Record Appeal to the Enrollment Services Department, available at the Forms for Students page. 

Appeals must be received by the college within two years from the end of the term the student is appealing. If the student was awarded financial aid during the term and is requesting to be dropped, then the appeal must be received within the same academic school year, or 60 days from the end of spring term.