President’s Welcome
Welcome New and Returning RCC Students

It is my great honor to be leading the incredible team here at RCC as your president. I know, as a student, you will benefit from the expertise and caring nature of every RCC staff and faculty member, and their deep commitment to your educational success.
RCC’s mission sets a high goal, inspiring us to enhance the quality of life in our communities by providing accessible, exemplary educational opportunities for student success and economic development. RCC’s vision - to be an inclusive and dynamic college that inspires, strengthens, and transforms - asks each of us to achieve that goal with the highest integrity and future-forward thinking. It is clear these core values at RCC remain strong. I am honored to be part of creating such a positive impact for our entire community.
As a community college graduate, I have personally experienced the access, affordability and opportunity a college like RCC provides to all who bring their dreams to our doorstep. Our College’s commitment is to the success of each student. It is a privilege to witness, and share along with you, the power of education to transform our lives.
I am exceptionally appreciative of the students, staff, and faculty of RCC who continue to show resilience and innovation in reaching their goals. RCC faculty and staff have engineered courses to meet the evolving needs of today’s learners. RCC students are thriving in online, in person and hybrid classes. Everyone has found creative ways to build and celebrate this college community as we strive to provide the best teaching and learning environment possible.
Thankfully, the casual connection that happens when we can all be together on campus, seeing people in the hallways, sharing ideas after class, and developing personal relationships, enrich our learning experience. As your president, I will continue to seek and support creative ideas for community building from each and every one of you. We are in this together, strong relationships help us all succeed, and together we will continue to strengthen our communities.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our faculty, staff, and your fellow students as we all engage in teaching, learning, outreach, and many other activities to advance RCC’s diversity, equity and inclusion. Our joint efforts to be an open, welcoming and accessible educational choice for every Southern Oregon student, no matter their background or obstacles, is inspiring.
We have many educational opportunities for you to choose from at RCC as you pursue the ideas, skills, certificates and degrees to enhance your economic and personal life. The great news is that our programs and pathways are flexible and designed to meet you at whatever your starting point.
As you begin or continue your journey at RCC this academic year, our entire college welcomes you with enthusiasm, hope and dedication toward your success. You have made it to our open door and, on behalf of the RCC community, I wish you happiness, resilience and perseverance as you travel your path and achieve your dreams.
- President Randy Weber
Strategic Plan
Rogue Community College enhances the quality of life in our communities by providing accessible, exemplary educational opportunities for student success and economic development.
Rogue Community College will be an inclusive and dynamic college that inspires, strengthens, and transforms.
Core Values
- Integrity drives us as an institution and individuals to demonstrate clear communication, transparency, ethics, and accountability.
- Collaboration promotes a communicative, agile, responsive culture that fosters vibrant, productive partnerships to benefit our students and strengthen our communities.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion create an accessible, welcoming, respectful and safe environment which engages all individuals, beliefs, and ideas fairly.
- Sustainability guides us to be responsible and thoughtful stewards of our human, economic, environmental, and cultural resources.
- Courage frees the institution and individuals to creatively pursue best practices supporting student success.
Wildly Important Goals
WIG 1: Equitable Access creates a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
Objective 1: Improve community access to our educational opportunities and support systems.
Objective 2: Increase participation of under-served populations in our programs.
Objective 3: Improve participation in adaptable and responsive training and learning opportunities designed to improve college access.
WIG 2: Student Success helps all students progress on their learning pathway.
Objective 4: Implement holistic student supports to ensure students meet their learning goals.
Objective 5: Use effective student engagement strategies to increase student persistence.
Objective 6: Decrease student time and number of credits to completion of a credential.
WIG 3: Building Community strengthens and expands internal and external collaborative partnerships.
Objective 7: Increase comprehensive outreach with business and industry partners.
Objective 8: Determine local employer satisfaction with our graduates for program quality improvement.
Objective 9: Strengthen relationships with community partners for the benefit of students.
WIG 4: Institutional Excellence builds a campus culture of continuous improvement.
Objective 10: Apply assessment and evaluation data to improve curriculum, course delivery, and services to support student success.
Objective 11: Increase participation in professional development that enhances teaching and learning, student success, and institutional effectiveness.
Objective 12: Make effective use of new and emerging technologies to improve teaching, learning, communication, and institutional operations.
Welcome to RCC
RCC is a regionally accredited, comprehensive, two-year public college serving Jackson and Josephine counties on three campuses:
- Redwood Campus (Grants Pass).
- Riverside Campus (Medford).
- Table Rock Campus (White City).
Other learning sites include the Illinois Valley Business Entrepreneurial and Illinois Valley Learning centers in Josephine County, and the Fire Science Center in Jackson County.
Authority and Governance
The College is one of 17 community colleges in the state, each independently governed by its own local Board of Education and managed by the Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) under the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) for the state of Oregon.
CCWD is granted legal authority for approval of courses and curricula through Chapter 589, Division 6 of Oregon Administrative Rules adopted by the State Board of Education under Chapter 341 of Oregon Revised Statutes.
The HECC and CCWD, in coordination with the State Board of Education, are responsible for distribution of state aid, review and approval of new programs and courses, and governance rules for Oregon community colleges.
In addition, the Oregon Community College Association serves as liaison between the colleges, state legislators, and partners on issues from funding to legislative policy, special studies and reports.
RCC has been continuously affirmed for accreditation since 1971. It is accredited by the regional authority - Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). NWCCU is recognized by and accountable to the U.S. Department of Education. NWCCU establishes the standards and processes by which public and private colleges and universities in the region are evaluated every 3 to 4 years in a 7-year cycle to ensure student learning through quality education and overall college effectiveness. Accreditation also qualifies RCC for federal grants and other funding, including financial aid for students enrolled at the College.
Americans with Disabilities Act & Section 504
RCC does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its instruction, programs, services or activities, or in its hiring and employment practices. The college provides reasonable accommodation to facilitate the participation of individuals with legally protected disabilities.
For information, visit
Campus Crime Awareness and Security
For information, visit
The safety of students, faculty, staff and guests is a top priority at RCC. Safety is a cooperative effort, and it is the responsibility of each individual to assure a safe campus. RCC prepares an annual security report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. Institutions of higher education are required to distribute to all current students, employees, and applicants for enrollment or employment two types of information: descriptions of policies related to campus security and statistics concerning specific types of crimes. This information is disclosed in the annual security report published by October 1 each year. For more information regarding safety and security or in order to obtain a copy of the annual security report, contact Risk Management or visit Risk Management’s Campus Security page.
If inclement weather conditions or other hazardous or emergency conditions require the closure or delayed opening of one or more campuses, announcements will be sent to students using the emergency notification system, and through postings on and RCC social media accounts. Information will also be shared with local radio and television stations for public announcement.
Consumer Information
All consumer information is available online at the RCC Consumer Information page.
Electronic Communication
RCC primarily communicates with students via their RCC student email. When applying for admission, an RCC student email address will be provided. Check your RCC email regularly for messages from the college.
Foundation | 541-956-7327
H Building, Redwood Campus
The RCC Foundation is a private, non-profit organization that accepts tax-deductible gifts and bequests, sponsors fund-raising events, and makes funds available in support of students and the college.
Today, the RCC Foundation has more than $14 million in assets and supports the college through scholarships and direct funding to programs.
Faculty and Staff
RCC employs approximately 282 regular employees: 46 exempt staff, 75 full-time faculty, 145 full-time classified, and 16 part-time classified staff. In addition, the college employs more than 365 adjunct faculty.
Right to Learn
Rogue Community College (RCC) Administration recognizes all people’s Right to Learn. Our mission is to provide quality education for all segments of society through open access admission offering equal and fair treatment to all students who desire to learn.
To achieve these ends, promote the physical safety and emotional well-being of RCC students, and keep our campuses secure and inviting to them and their families, Rogue Community College will do the following:
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known as FERPA) and relevant law, RCC staff shall not disclose personal information including but not limited to any RCC student’s immigration status. In addition, no RCC staff member shall ask about any student’s immigration status or that of a student’s family members.
In support of this, Rogue Community College will provide safe zones for students to communicate their concerns and access resources such as:
- Bilingual counselors/academic and career coaches with whom students share a common identity.
- A means to report hate incidences.
- Advocates for sexual harassment complaints.
RCC, under FERPA, approves what Directory Information is published and shall not release “non-directory” student record information unless legally compelled to do so.
RCC security personnel do not have the authority to, and therefore will not enforce federal immigration laws.
RCC Administration has the authority and responsibility to control access to college property owned, leased, rented or occupied for the purpose of RCC-related education, service or operations, and restricts the facilitation or consent to immigration code enforcement unless under court order or in the event of an imminent health or safety risk.
In the 2021-22 school year, approximately 7,711 students enrolled at RCC. That number represents a full-time equivalent (FTE) of 2,782 students. For more information, visit the RCC At-a-Glance page.
Frequently Called Numbers
New to RCC? Go to or and click on “Virtual Student Center.”
Department |
Number |
Main Number |
541-956-7500 |
Access and Disability Resources |
541-956-7337** |
Admission (Recruitment/Campus Tours) |
541-956-7217 |
Adult Basic Skills (ABE/GED®/ESL) |
541-956-7490 |
Advising |
541-956-7192 |
Bookstore (Textbooks/Student Store) | |
Community Education (Including Truck-CDL) |
541-956-7303 |
Computer Labs |
541-956-7424 |
Counseling |
541-956-7443 |
Driver Training (High School and Adult) |
541-956-7116 |
Enrollment Services |
541-956-7427 |
Financial Aid Advising (Financial Aid Cashier) | | 541-956-7501 |
Library |
541-956-7150 |
Registration Help | |
Student and Employment Services |
541-956-7323 |
Testing Center/Placement Assessment |
541-956-7100 |
Transcripts ordering information |
541-956-7427 | |
TRIO Educational Opportunity Center |
541-956-7097 |
Tutoring Centers |
541-956-7100 |
Veterans Resources |
541-956-7288 |
Toll free outside Grants Pass/Medford/White City calling areas.
** Persons with hearing impairments use Oregon Telecom Relay Service, 711.
Social Media at RCC
Stay in touch with Rogue Community College through the following services:
Facebook is a social networking site where users create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages, and keep in touch with others. |
RCC Campus App. A mobile platform for RCC students to network, learn, and keep up on campus activities. Available at the Apple Store, Google Play, or RCC’s Campus App page. |
Instagram is a mobile social media where users share photos and videos publicly or privately. Follow @roguecommunitycollege for current RCC images and video. |
Wordpress Blog:
Rogue Community is a news and student stories blog built to engage with the community of RCC and beyond. |
A social broadcasting service that allows users to communicate through short text-based posts or “tweets” of up to 280 characters. Find us @RogueCC. |
YouTube is a site for viewing, uploading and sharing videos. Visit the RCC channel for fun and informative videos about RCC. |
RCC website