Feb 10, 2025
MTH 65 - Fundamentals of Algebra II 4 Credit(s)
Prerequisite(s): RD 90 or WR 91 or designated placement, and MTH 60 or designated placement.
Course Description: Includes the study and application of exponents, polynomial operations, factoring polynomial expressions, solving polynomial equations, rational expression operations, and solving rational equations. Course is graded A through F. Course does not transfer. A graphing calculator is required. There is a significant online component in this class.
Course Level: Postsecondary Remedial Math
Course Learning Outcomes:
- CLO#1: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials and rational expressions.
- CLO#2: Factor polynomials efficiently, using appropriate methods.
- CLO#3: Apply quadratic and rational models to solve real world problems. (ILO: Quantitative literacy & reasoning)
- CLO#4: Apply the rules of exponents in a variety of contexts.
- CLO#5: Use appropriate technology to graph equations, solve problems, and judge the reasonableness of the results.
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