MT 111 - Sports Massage 1 Credit(s)
MT 100 , MT 100L and MT 108 , MT 108L and BI 121 , BI 121L or BI 231 , BI 231L
MT 111L
Course Description: This course will provide knowledge about how to prevent injury, improve performance, relieve sore muscles, speed recovery, and reduce stress. This course provides instruction and understanding of sports-related injuries and ailments. Hands on application will be required to demonstrate Sports massage techniques.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- CLO#1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding about athletic performance and related injury.
- CLO#2: Demonstrate sport-specific massage on muscles involved with each sport. (ILO: Critical Thinking)
Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials: Students should wear comfortable clothing (workout type clothing) and bring two sheets and a pillowcase to each class.
ACTI Code and Course Type 210 Career / Tech Preparatory
Length of Course: A required state minimum of (10) and a standard RCC delivery of (11) lecture hours per term, not to exceed (12) hours per term.
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