Sep 29, 2024  
2024-25 RCC Catalog 
2024-25 RCC Catalog

Guided Pathways

What’s the Best Way to Get from Point A to Point B?

A straight line.

That’s what Rogue Community College is offering with Guided Pathways, a new approach to higher education that not only helps students identify a career path they’re passionate about, but also walks them through the process of becoming qualified.

The pathways model has improved student success in many universities and is gaining popularity in community colleges across the country. This streamlined education has shown to produce more qualified students and lead to better jobs, which improves quality of life. Each college has the flexibility to build guided programs according to their needs.

Guided Pathways create a clear sequence of courses needed in order to earn a specific degree or certification. This “road map” eliminates confusion and gives students a clear plan for which classes they should take and when, in order to earn their qualifications as fast and affordably as possible. Each student’s pathway begins even prior to enrollment, when they meet with an advisor to discuss program options.

In the following pages of this catalog, all degrees and certificates of study are presented in their pathways. From health care professionals to engineers to social workers, digital media specialists, computer programmers and so much more, RCC’s Guided Pathways are designed to produce graduates who are well prepared to perform their jobs well- regardless of where they started.

Many students drift through college without a solid plan because they’re not sure what career they want to pursue, or which courses will make them qualified to do a job they want. This results in costing extra time and money, which leads to more frustration and the risk of dropping out of school. Guided Pathways changes all that.

The goal is for students to be aware of what they’re getting into before they choose a degree program or sign up for their first class. RCC advising case managers work very closely with each student to decide which program suits their interests. Then they provide guidance every step of the way, from enrollment to graduation, making sure students are staying on track and getting all the courses and credits they need to achieve their goals, whether that’s a certificate, associate’s degree, or a transfer degree to a four-year university.

The pathways philosophy and the community college mission share this philosophy: no one should be kept from earning a college degree based on their background or social status. RCC advising case managers and staff gladly provide resources for overcoming obstacles, whether that’s financial assistance, work study, tutoring, and more. RCC faculty get to know the students in the classroom. They provide the one-on-one guidance and help students need.

We encourage students to explore these pathways and careers by connecting with an RCC Career Coach. Then, work with an advising and career coach to choose the best pathway for success at RCC and in life.