Associate of Science
About the Program
The Associate of Science (AS) degree is based on a signed articulation agreement with Oregon Tech. The program is designed for students transferring to its baccalaureate degree program in Cybersecurity. Students must work closely with advisors in their areas of interest to ensure electives are appropriate. The curriculum allows for 47 core credits within the major area. By completing all appropriate credits (including electives), students will fulfill required lower division coursework for transfer to Oregon Tech.
Students should be aware, however, that if they transfer before completing this degree, their courses will be evaluated individually toward the transfer requirements of the college of their choice.
Program Learning Outcomes
The curriculum in RCC courses is derived from a set of identified learning outcomes that are relevant to the discipline. The program learning outcomes for the Cybersecurity Transfer to Oregon Tech degree are:
Demonstrate the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to defined information systems technology.
Ability to design and implement information systems using the latest technology and standard best practices.
Ability to identify, analyze, and solve technical issues with the use of information systems and technology.
Entry Requirements
Students are required to complete the Placement Process to determine skill level and readiness in math, reading, and writing. As part of their training program, students must begin with the courses within their skill level as determined through the Placement Process.
Advanced Standing
Coursework from accredited universities will be accepted in accordance with college policies. In order to ensure that coursework is current, program courses over five years old must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Department Chair before being accepted toward core requirements.
Graduation Requirements
The Associate of Science degree will be awarded to students who complete all credits in this program with a grade of “C-” or better. Certain required courses are graded on a pass/no pass basis only. A grade of “P” for these courses indicates a student earned the equivalent of a “C-” or better grade.
This guide lays out an optimal path to graduate. Where zero credits are listed in the prerequisites, students may place into a higher level(s) based on designated placement. Note: some prerequisites may be required for graduation. Please consult an advisor with any program completion questions.