Feb 10, 2025
MTH 20 - Pre-algebra 4 Credit(s)
Course Description: Reinforces skills in whole number, fractions, and decimals while introducing computation with rational numbers, exponents, order of operation, and the use of variables, expressions, formulas, and equations. Ratio and proportions, percent, and topics in measurement are also studied. Working with real data, formulas, and applications will be stressed. Course is graded on a pass/no pass basis. Course does not transfer. A scientific calculator is required. There is a significant online component in this class.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- CLO#1: Gain number sense by estimating and calculating in arithmetic operations with whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals.
- CLO#2: Use measurement as a model in a variety of arithmetic problems; using number sense to judge the reasonableness of their results.
- CLO#3: Use whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages appropriately and effectively in all the arithmetic operations. (ILO: Quantitative literacy & reasoning)
- CLO#4: Solve application problems that require determining the appropriate arithmetic operations.
- CLO#5: Use a variable to represent an unknown quantity and solve one-step algebraic equations.
Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials: Notebook, ruled paper, pencils, stapler or paper clips, scientific calculator.
ACTI Code and Course Type 351 Post-Secondary Remedial Math
Length of Course: A required state minimum of (40) and a standard RCC delivery of (44) lecture hours per term, not to exceed (48) hours per term.
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