Mar 06, 2025
CIS 60 - PC Basics I 2 Credit(s)
Course Description: Designed for students with little or no previous experience with computers. Introduces basic computer fundamentals through lecture, demonstrations and hands-on experience with a personal computer. This course will cover basic hardware terminology, popular Internet technologies, email, online course skills, basic file management operations, word processing, and spreadsheets and may include other applications. Additionally, introduces students to basic computer concepts and terms and the practical applications of microcomputers in life. Course is graded on a pass/no pass basis. Course does not transfer.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- CLO#1: Acquire a working knowledge of basic computer technology.
- CLO#2: Explain and demonstrate Internet browsing skills, including the use of hyperlinks, basic search engines, and basic email operations.
- CLO#3: Identify popular computer hardware, Windows operating system, and computer peripherals.
- CLO#4: Demonstrate basic use of a word processing application. (ILO: Critical Thinking)
- CLO#5: Explain and demonstrate basic file management skills, including saving files, opening files, creating folders, copying files, file deletion, moving files, and renaming files. (ILO: Information Literacy)
- CLO#6: Be able to explain basic use of common features of an online course management system.
Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials: USB Thumb drive
ACTI Code and Course Type 352 Post-Secondary Remedial Elective
Length of Course: LECTURE PORTION: A required state minimum of (10) and a standard RCC delivery of (11) lecture hours per term, not to exceed (12) hours per term.
LECTURE/LAB PORTION: A required state minimum of (20) and a standard RCC delivery of (22) lecture/lab hours per one term, not to exceed (24) hours per term.
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